Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Promotional DVD

Finally getting round to adding more images to this blog, stay tuned will add some editorial images from recent work at local newspaper.

This is a shot I took for a wedding in November, prob one of my faves.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Busy Times Ahead

Well it has been a very busy couple of weeks for me, I approached a local newspaper a few week back looking for work experience and I have been granted work experience with the newspaper, So far I have covered articles ranging from the changing of local bylaws to allow the keeping of horses in residential areas, to a gentleman who rides from pub to pub to raise money to fight poverty, sounds like a fantastic idea!!!!, then a Shoot at the art gallery of western australia to shoot images of a local artist Shane Pickett who has his art work included in a exhibition at the gallery, ( it is no easy feat to be able to get cameras into the art gallery i can tell you, as well as articles about the new police inspector in Midland,  as well as a nursery in Kalamunda.
This week has been a little quieter,  but still got a few images in there will upload, asap

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years Resolutions.

Well after a hiatus of some time I am back onto my blog, 
its a new year and a few new years resolutions are to be put into action. 
I have decided that I want to earn as much money as I can from my photography as it is something that I want to do and is not just a hobby, passing fad or what ever.
So I have decided to get some work experience in a newspaper, and got a email through about a story that they needed images for so went and shot them,   and they are going to be published! 
Pretty happy about that, so its a start anyway, wh knows where to from here.
 Till next time