Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Busy Times Ahead

Well it has been a very busy couple of weeks for me, I approached a local newspaper a few week back looking for work experience and I have been granted work experience with the newspaper, So far I have covered articles ranging from the changing of local bylaws to allow the keeping of horses in residential areas, to a gentleman who rides from pub to pub to raise money to fight poverty, sounds like a fantastic idea!!!!, then a Shoot at the art gallery of western australia to shoot images of a local artist Shane Pickett who has his art work included in a exhibition at the gallery, ( it is no easy feat to be able to get cameras into the art gallery i can tell you, as well as articles about the new police inspector in Midland,  as well as a nursery in Kalamunda.
This week has been a little quieter,  but still got a few images in there will upload, asap

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